With Spring well and truly on its way to Canberra, it was time for another happy hour. This time found the CBR Gals seated high above the bustling roads of Northborne with drinks in hand. The Howling Moon above the Rex Hotel on Northborne avenue was the perfect place to watch the sun slowly set on the beautiful capital.
Accompanied by an incredibly generous spread prepared by Howling Moon’s Chef George, the CBR Gals filled the room with animated conversation, conversations about work, relationships and side interests. The night was beautifully lit from the fading sunset that seemed to elongate a seemingly perfect night. The highlight for many was the chance to win five free pilates sessions with growing Canberra business, Lucas Studios. With raffle tickets in hand, the room fell silent as the raffle was slowly draw. Much to the delight of all the women there, the CBR Gals had 15+ passes to give away, meaning over half the women walked away with the chance to support a local, growing Canberra business and an opportunity to do something positive for themselves. It brought so much joy to both directors to hear the women making plans to attend classes together, with women then had met less than two hours prior.